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Apply to Join MCF's Board of Directors

Photo collage of two headshots from MCF's Governance Committee Co-Chairs, Carolyn Link and Flor Trevino Frey

A message from MCF's Governance Committee Co-Chairs, Carolyn Link and Flor Treviño Frey:

It’s that time of year when we welcome you, MCF members, to consider applying to join the MCF board of directors. Why join the MCF board? Here are a few reasons to consider:  

Influence the field of philanthropy—joining the MCF board brings opportunities to shape organizational strategy in alignment with the philanthropic sector you know so well

Strengthen your governance skills—joining a board isn’t just for CEO’s and Executive Directors; bring the skills you have and grow them with your peers in the field, applying your own expertise to an organization you know and care about

Connect with your peer community—joining the MCF board is an important responsibility, and with it comes fun and connection as you lead the organization in partnership with other MCF members and the MCF staff at large

We have both found great value in being a part of MCF’s leadership through committee and board roles. Each year we look forward to building relationships with new board and committee members, and collaborating with them on the important leadership work of MCF. We hope you will join us!  

To learn more about this year’s recruitment priorities, and to start your board application, click here.

With gratitude,

Carolyn Link & Flor Treviño Frey 

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