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Nonprofit Resources

Resources for Minnesota's nonprofits and grantseekers.

MCF is a vibrant philanthropic community collectively advancing prosperity and equity. We do this through three focused strategies that connect, strengthen and mobilize the field of philanthropy. MCF's members are philanthropic organizations including foundations and corporate giving programs.

For the nonprofit community, MCF offers the following resources and occasional events.

Grantseeking Resources

View MCF's Common Grant Application. Developed by foundations and nonprofits, the Common Grant helps to streamline the grantseeking and grantmaking processes.

Nonprofit Support 

Minnesota hosts a strong network of nonprofit support agencies that help our nonprofit community thrive. Here's a sampling of organizations that offer services to nonprofits in our state.

Charities Division of the Minnesota Attorney General's Office provides resources to start an organization, stay legally compliant, and understand state laws.

Charities Review Council encourages accountability and transparency in nonprofits and enables the thoughtful use of philanthropic resources.

Hamline University cultivates civic responsibility, social justice, and inclusive leadership. Hamline offers educational options related to nonprofit management.

HandsOn Twin Cities brings people together to strengthen communities through meaningful volunteer action.

Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota offers studies in Public and Nonprofit Leadership.

LegalCorps connects small nonprofit organizations with free, high-quality legal services from volunteer lawyers.

The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) supports local community development organizations through financial, policy and technical assistance.

MAVA (Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement) unites, educates and advances Minnesota communities through excellence in leadership of volunteers. 

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits informs, promotes, connects and strengthens individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector.

MRAC (Metropolitan Regional Arts Council) increases access to the arts by providing information, organizational support and grants.

Office of Grants Management streamlines and improves state grantmaking practices and increases public information about state grant opportunities.

Propel Nonprofits fuels the impact and effectiveness of nonprofits with guidance, expertise, and capital.

Springboard for the Arts connects artists with the skills, contacts, information and services they need to make a living and a life.

University of St. Thomas educates students to be morally responsible leaders. UST offers an MBA for nonprofit leaders, as well as other learning opportunities.