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Themes from the Georgetown Law Conference on Tax-Exempt Organizations: Legal Considerations for Grantmakers

The in-house counsel team at Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) recently joined legal colleagues from across the country in Washington D.C. for the annual Georgetown Law conference on Representing and Managing Tax-Exempt Organizations. Conference attendees observed that many tax-exempt organizations, and grantmakers in particular, are facing similar challenges as organizations consider legal risks and opportunities to protect and advance our organizations’ charitable missions and strategic priorities.

The attached memorandum was created for MCF partners. Some common legal themes described in the attachment include:

  1. Navigating Crises and Building Resilient Practices 
  2. Advancing Racial Equity and Social Justice
  3. Grappling With Artificial Intelligence Technology 

The team at MACP hopes that “these reflections on legal considerations resonate for your work…Building a shared understanding of an organization’s mission, values, and priorities greatly contributes to developing strategies that not only manage compliance and liability risks, but also advance philanthropic goals. Our legal team at Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies has benefitted from the mutual exchange of ideas in this generous MCF community, and we are always curious to learn from you. We look forward to staying connected.”

Read the full memorandum.

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