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Take Action Around Rural-Urban Bridging

Since the fall of 2022, MCF members have been developing a strategy for bridging rural and urban communities. 

The Rural Urban Bridging for Impact initiative (RUBI) has the following long-term vision: Minnesotans across our broad geographies, differing identities, and rich cultural histories will experience a sense of belonging and interdependence.

If you haven't been involved in RUBI - getting started just got easier!

RUBI has recently released a new Blueprint for Action for Uniting Across Difference. The new micro-website,, offers four pathways to create belonging. Within each pathway, grantmakers of all stripes will find practical strategies that they can employ to build a greater sense of belonging.

The four pathways to create belonging:

  • Stories
  • Relationships
  • Skillsets
  • Structures

Ready to take action?

  1. Visit the site to take your next steps toward bridging divides across our communities. Get started now at
  2. Register to join the upcoming RUBI Network Conversation, February 11, 10:00 a.m. to learn more about the new web resources and for an orientation to RUBI.
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