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2023 Nonprofit Minnesota State Funding Breakdown

Session Overview

When the Minnesota Legislature adjourned on Monday, May 23rd, they concluded one of the most historic legislative sessions in our state’s history. For the first time in ten years, the Governor, Senate, and House majorities were all held by the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL). In addition to a one-party trifecta over all three branches of state government, the Office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) was predicting the legislature would have roughly a $17.1B surplus to work with when crafting the state’s fiscal years 2024-2025 budget.

These extraordinary financial and political circumstances provided a platform for the advancement of long-discussed policies and investments across the board. State agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and residents will all feel the impact of the investments and policies passed in the 2023 legislative session.  

For nonprofits in Minnesota, significant investments were made by the state and additional scrutiny will be applied to their work as a result of 2023 laws. The legislature was clear that they understand and appreciate the critical partnership government has with nonprofits  to deliver services and opportunities to Minnesotans. The legislature showed this understanding by including hundreds of millions of dollars either directly appropriated (to an estimated 286 organizations) or appropriated through a competitive grant program, to Minnesota nonprofits in state agency budgets. A significant amount of work lies ahead to award and deploy this unprecedented infusion of public resources. With philanthropic, business, and public partners also at the table, Minnesota has an opportunity to address many of the pervasive issues facing communities and families across the state.  

Read the full report developed by Hylden Advocacy & Law in partnership with Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies and the Minnesota Council on Foundations.

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