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Preparing Minnesota's Foundations and Nonprofits for Coronavirus

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Launching the Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund, March 23, 2020: Today, MCF co-hosted a webinar with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits to share news about the launch of the Minnesota Disaster Recovery Fund and other funds launched by The Otto Bremer Trust, Headwaters Foundation for Justice, and the Minneapolis Foundation in response to the coronavirus crisis. MCN also shared survey results about ways that foundations are shifting strategies and funds to meet the needs of nonprofits and communities.

Planning and Preparing for the Coronavirus, March 4, 2020: This webinar was held on March 4th in partnership with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, the State of Minnesota, and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy. Its purpose was to help nonprofits and foundations think about their own internal continuity of operations, as well as thinking about the external services they provide and how needs may evolve and increase as a result of an outbreak. Our featured speaker was Tanya Gulliver-Garcia from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy. View the March 4, 2020 PowerPoint slides.

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