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MCF Seeks Two Consultants for DEI and Rural-Urban Projects

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The Minnesota Council on Foundations has released two Requests for Proposals (RFPs) seeking support for two upcoming projects.

  • DEI Consultant: The consultant will assist MCF in updating its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) staff structure. Through this project, the consultant will develop insights and recommendations about how to re-structure MCF’s DEI director role and staffing structure for maximum relevance and impact. View the full RFP here: DEI Consultant RFP.
  • Rural Urban Bridging Initiative Consultant: The consultant will design and deliver learning opportunities for a 16-member steering committee comprised of philanthropic leaders, among other activities. Through this project, the consultant will lead the committee to develop a blueprint to address the role of philanthropy in bridging Minnesota’s urban-rural divide. View the full RFP here: Rural Urban Bridging Initiative RFP.

Proposals are due to MCF by June 9. After reviewing the RFPs, please direct questions to:

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