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MCF Program Generated $44M for Crisis Recovery

Since its launch in April 2020, MCF’s Integrated Capital Recovery Program has generated $44.7 million in loan and grant commitments for Minnesota communities. The funds, committed by 13 foundations, will go to support small businesses and nonprofits across the state. MCF is thankful to the funders and working group members who led this innovative collaboration.

Learn more about the program highlights.

Through collaborative action, the following 13 foundations worked together to provide funding opportunities in the form of grants and loans:

  • Anonymous
  • Bush Foundation
  • Driscoll Foundation
  • GHR Foundation
  • John Larsen Foundation
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • Marbrook Foundation
  • Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
  • McKnight Foundation
  • Minneapolis Foundation
  • Mortenson Family Foundation
  • Northwest Area Foundation
  • Venn Foundation
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It’s that time of year when we welcome you, MCF members, to consider applying to join the MCF board of directors. Why join the MCF board? Here are a few reasons to consider.