About the Press Forward Minnesota Closing Coverage Gaps Grant
The first grant round of Press Forward Minnesota will work to address the longstanding inequalities in journalism coverage and practice in the U.S. by investing in small, local newsrooms that provide original reporting in underserved communities.
Through this grant round, at least 12 newsrooms will receive $40,000 in grant funds. Minnesota newsrooms with budgets of up to $1 million are eligible.
In the U.S., the news media has not always adequately represented, reached, or uplifted the voices of underrepresented groups in their coverage. As a result, entire communities have been left out of the conversation on the issues that most affect their lives, resulting in lower levels of voting and civic engagement, deeper polarization and more.
Press Forward Minnesota wants to ensure that local coverage meets the needs of communities of color, linguistically diverse communities, low-wealth rural communities, and others not adequately served, reached or represented. This grant round offers funding to smaller news organizations that are providing the hyperlocal, original reporting people need to make important decisions.
Project Terms
1 year grant, with the possibility of a grant extension if additional time is needed.
Eligibility Criteria
This grant round will invest in small, local news outlets that provide original reporting to underserved communities. Press Forward Minnesota aims to reimagine local news across the state and understands that addressing this growing crisis in news and information will require a variety of solutions and models.
Eligible applicants must be local news outlets based in Minnesota focused on providing and producing original local reporting.
Applicants must meeting all the following requirements:
- An operating budget of less than $1 million for 2024
- In operation and publishing since at least September 1, 2023
- A commitment to editorial excellence, editorial independence, and transparency
- Organizations agree to publicly publish and not use a paywall for any content and coverage generated through funds from this grant
Applicants can be:
- 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations or for-profit organizations
- For-profits with an established 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor (Note: fiscal sponsor is not required for for-profits to apply)
- University or college student newsrooms producing original reporting that is community-facing
The following types of organizations are not eligible to apply:
- Outlets in which the majority of content is not focused on local news
- Organizations with an operating budget greater than $1 million for 2024
- Start-up organizations that have not been publishing since at least September 1, 2023
- 501(c)(4) organizations
- Organizations not based in Minnesota
For more information about eligibility criteria, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Key Dates
Applications accepted 10/21/2024 – 11/21/2024.
Decisions announced in early 2025.
Note: Applications will close at 11:59 p.m. on November 21, 2024.
Contact Information