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Press Forward Minnesota Closing Coverage Gaps Grant

About the Press Forward Minnesota Closing Coverage Gaps Grant

The first grant round of Press Forward Minnesota will work to address the longstanding inequalities in journalism coverage and practice in the U.S. by investing in small, local newsrooms that provide original reporting in underserved communities.

Through this grant round, at least 12 newsrooms will receive $40,000 in grant funds. Minnesota newsrooms with budgets of up to $1 million are eligible.

In the U.S., the news media has not always adequately represented, reached, or uplifted the voices of underrepresented groups in their coverage. As a result, entire communities have been left out of the conversation on the issues that most affect their lives, resulting in lower levels of voting and civic engagement, deeper polarization and more.

Press Forward Minnesota  wants to ensure that local coverage meets the needs of communities of color, linguistically diverse communities, low-wealth rural communities, and others not adequately served, reached or represented. This grant round offers funding to smaller news organizations that are providing the hyperlocal, original reporting people need to make important decisions.

Project Terms

1 year grant, with the possibility of a grant extension if additional time is needed.

Eligibility Criteria

This grant round will invest in small, local news outlets that provide original reporting to underserved communities. Press Forward Minnesota  aims to reimagine local news across the state and understands that addressing this growing crisis in news and information will require a variety of solutions and models.

Eligible applicants must be local news outlets based in Minnesota focused on providing and producing original local reporting.

Applicants must meeting all the following requirements:

  • An operating budget of less than $1 million for 2024
  • In operation and publishing since at least September 1, 2023
  • A commitment to editorial excellence, editorial independence, and transparency
  • Organizations agree to publicly publish and not use a paywall for any content and coverage generated through funds from this grant

Applicants can be:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations or for-profit organizations
  • For-profits with an established 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor (Note: fiscal sponsor is not required for for-profits to apply)
  • University or college student newsrooms producing original reporting that is community-facing

The following types of organizations are not eligible to apply:

  • Outlets in which the majority of content is not focused on local news
  • Organizations with an operating budget greater than $1 million for 2024
  • Start-up organizations that have not been publishing since at least September 1, 2023
  • 501(c)(4) organizations
  • Organizations not based in Minnesota

For more information about eligibility criteria, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Key Dates

Applications accepted 10/21/2024 – 11/21/2024.

Decisions announced in early 2025.

Note: Applications will close at 11:59 p.m. on November 21, 2024.

Contact Information

The application period for the  Press Forward Minnesota  Closing Coverage Gaps Fall 2024 grant round is now closed. 


Grant Criteria 

  1. Why is this open call limited to small newsrooms?

    Small newsrooms do important original reporting but are often less likely to be reached by institutional funders and have a harder time getting the attention of donors. In recent years, the number of local news start-ups meeting local needs has grown, and we are trying to meet the field where it is.

  2. What do you mean by “underserved communities”?

    Press Forward Minnesota wants to ensure that local coverage meets the needs of communities of color, linguistically diverse communities, low-wealth rural communities, and others not adequately served, reached, or represented.

  3. What is considered local news?

    Our definition for “local” has been adapted from the Local Independent Online News (LION) Publishers membership criteria: “The majority of content must be focused on local news and/or geographically constrained communities. National news should be written through a local lens or context.”

    Press Forward Minnesota  is seeking to fund outlets that are closing coverage gaps by meeting the needs of underrepresented audiences and understands this may look differently in every community.

    We recommend you review the criteria above and the FAQs in full to determine if your organization meets the requirements as we are unable to make such determinations.


Eligibility Requirements

  1. What type of organizations are eligible to apply?

    Nonprofit and for-profit news outlets with annual operating budgets of less than $1 million for 2024 are eligible to apply. The outlets must be in operation and publishing since at least Sept. 1, 2023.

  2. Can public media apply?

    Yes, public media is eligible to apply if the organization meets the eligibility criteria. Press Forward Minnesota reserves the right to discern if an organization meets the established criteria and will do so on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Can news collaboratives apply?

    Yes, news collaboratives are eligible to apply if they meet the eligibility criteria.

  4. What if I’m not eligible to apply to this grant round?

    Press Forward Minnesota will host additional grant rounds in the future. We anticipate that the focus and eligibility criteria will change in future grant rounds. While this grant round closely mirrors the first Press Forward National round, future grant rounds may or may not do so. Press Forward Minnesota’s host committee will help guide the focus and direction of future grant rounds.

  5. My news organization is located outside of Minnesota. Am I eligible?

    No. This open call is only for local new organizations located and reporting on issues in Minnesota.

  6. I am a local news outlet with a budget less than $1 million but am part of a parent organization with a budget over $1 million.  Am I eligible?

    Yes, as long as you meet all of the additional criteria. When applying, please answer all questions pertaining to only the local news outlet and not the parent company.

  7. There are multiple small, local news outlets that are part of a parent organization. Can more than one outlet apply?

    Yes – You will need to submit a unique application and include a note that the outlet is part of a parent organization for each outlet.

  8. I have a great project that is making a positive impact on the journalism space but am not a newsroom. Can I apply?

    No, this grant round is only for local newsrooms that provide original reporting to underserved communities.

  9. Are IRS 501(c)(4)s eligible to apply with a fiscal sponsor?

    No, 501(c)(4)s are not eligible to apply for this grant round on Closing Local Coverage Gaps.

  10. Are radio stations that produce local news only part of the time eligible?

    This grant round is focused on investing in small, local newsrooms that provide original reporting to underserved communities. The key in this instance is original. If your radio station provides original reporting to underserved communities, and meets all the additional required criteria, then you are eligible to apply.


Grant Writing Resources 

  1. What resources are available to help with grant writing?

    The Lenfest Institute’s News Philanthropy Network has a free, comprehensive, virtual, course titled,  "Introduction to Grant Writing Course for News Organizations". This is an asynchronous program that will walk you through every stage of the grant writing process. The Lenfest Institute also offers a free accompanying grant writing workbook


Review Process

  1. Who will be reviewing my application?

    Press Forward Minnesota  has recruited a diverse and well-informed grantmaking committee to read and review proposals for this grant round. Reviewers will provide subject matter expertise and guidance to Press Forward Minnesota staff on which applicants are best positioned to have the desired community impact. Reviewers have been sourced from the journalism/local news field, community, and from philanthropy. We ask that applicants do not reach out to grantmaking committee members to make the case for their application; grantmaking committee members have been instructed to not take part in these types of conversations.

  2. How will my application be evaluated?

    Press Forward Minnesota  has developed an evaluation rubric rooted in our chapter's core values of Equity, Innovation, Sustainability, and Collaboration. These criteria will be prioritized when evaluating applications for the Press Forward Minnesota Closing Coverage Gaps Fall 2024 grant. View the evaluation rubric.