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MCF's New Compensation Philosophy: An Example for HR Decision-making

Over the past year, MCF has been working to offer more resources around staff compensation, benefits and salary decisions. You will now find on the MCF website a variety of resources:

  • MCF’s Compensation Philosophy, New! September 2022: Read MCF’s new internal organizational philosophy which sets the tone for how we make decisions around competitive and equitable salaries, make salary adjustments and advancements, maintain confidentiality and transparency, and more. Developed in partnership with a DEI consultant, this philosophy furthers our equity goals and advances our vision of being the best place our staff have ever worked. 
  • Compensation Philosophy Primer, December 2021: A compensation philosophy serves as a guide for employers who are making compensation decisions and provides transparency to employees. This document offers a starting point for crafting your own comprehensive compensation philosophy
  • Compensation Benchmarking Resources, September 2021: These resources provide compensation benchmarking, often for both salaries and benefits, for various nonprofit staff positions. Each resource fills a unique niche that may help you set competitive wages and benefits for your organization’s team.
  • More Minnesota-specific data around staff salaries and benefits, coming soon! Over the next year, MCF will be working with Midwest partners to offer more comprehensive comparative data around the salaries and benefits offered by Midwest and Minnesota foundations. For updates, check in with Chris Oien, MCF’s Research and Communications Specialist, at

About MCF's Task Force on Compensation

Throughout the summer of 2021, MCF hosted a Task Force on Compensation. Over a dozen MCF members and staff met monthly to discuss human resources questions about staff compensation and benefits. The charge of the task force was to determine the information needs of members around compensation at their organizations, what gaps exist, and how MCF can help. Learn more here: Task Force on Compensation.

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